
May 12, 20212 min

So Frustrated

Today, I am not talking about yoga, mindfulness, or health. Sorry, not sorry.

Today, I am talking about how generally frustrated I am as a small business owner. I am trying to get my company off the ground. I am trying to help people. I am trying to support my family. I study and read and research about the best ways to get my name out there. NONE OF THEM ARE WORKING.

I grind and grind. Put in tons of hours every single day, and get absolutely NO traction. People are like, well, you gotta spend money to make money. Ummm, I gotta have money to spend money to make money. It's that simple.

It is claimed that the best way to get more business right now is through a strong social media presence. In order to have a strong social media presence, you are supposed to have a feed filled with good, relevant content. Content that people can see, read, interact with, and share. I have been carefully curating a fantastic, in my opinion, feed. I have gained zero traction. I have another account that is my personal photography. I haven't added to it in over a gains 5-6 followers each and every day. I barely touch it. However, when it comes to a feed about stuff that is actually important, that is actually helpful for society, crickets.

I know I shouldn't be ranting here, but I am just so tired of beating my head against the wall!

Well, it is short, it isn't sweet, but I think I shall go back to my social media feeds and see if there is anything I can do to help increase my visibility.

Love to all,

