
Jun 1, 20193 min

I cannot wait for Summer!!!!!!!!!!

Happy June!!! Only 21 more days until it is officially summer.

Warm weather and sunshine here we come! I love summer so very much that we moved to Florida. Here, we have summer almost year round and live the summer life.


Now that the weather is starting to warm up, but not get blistering hot, let's get outside to get our healthy on. Remember back when we were children. Being healthy was so easy. We rode our bikes everywhere and never did we feel like we were "exercising". We were just doing what we needed to do.

Now that we are adults, let's take a page from our youth. Slather on the sunscreen, fill a water bottle full of water, strap your helmet on and pedal. Trust me, I can tell you from experience, it isn't as easy as we remember it. That's ok. You don't have to bike a marathon. Find places close to home and pedal on over. Need to run to the corner store? Why drive when you can ride your bike. Want to run over to the sandwich shop a mile away for lunch, jump on your bike and ride on over. Riding your bike will actually do double duty, you get to burn off excess calories, and it's better for our environment!


Pineapple just screams summer to me. I love the sweet and sour flavor of a pineapple . The delicious juiciness of a freshly sliced pineapple cannot be beat. Pineapples also pack in a whopping 131% of your recommended daily value of vitamin C and only have 81 calories per cup. That's pretty amazing considering how sweet and delicious they are.

I know a lot of people think Pina Colada when they think pineapple, and I can totally understand that. I love making Pina Colada smoothies.

Combine 1 cup frozen pineapple with a banana, a scoop of vanilla protein powder and 1/2 cup canned coconut milk in the blender. Blend until smooth. It'll give you that frothy tropical flavor you're craving without all of the added calories of the rum. And you can have it for breakfast before work without getting in trouble. Yummy!

Mind Body Connection

For today's mind body connection let's get real with ourselves. We've talked about meditation, yoga, and gratitude.

This week, let's work on some goal setting. Sit down in a nice quiet place and really think about this upcoming summer. What do you want to do this summer? Who do you want to see this summer? Is there a concert you've been thinking about going to? Maybe there's a new skill you want to learn.

Now, really think about each item. What do you need to do to make sure you accomplish these goals? Do you need to buy the plane tickets and book a room? What are some things that might stop you from completing any of them? What are you going to do to make sure that you don't wake up a week before the holiday season having not done any of the things you were thinking about doing? How are you going to take advantage of all of the extra light the universe gives us this time of the year?

Now, make sure it all happens!

Happy summer everyone! After such a long harsh winter, get out there and enjoy this weather. Get some sun and fresh air.

Love to you all,


#journal #goals #summer #pineapple #bicycle
