
Mar 1, 20192 min

Welcome, March!!!

Woo! Two months have flown by. I don't know why, but whenever I think about March, I smile. March just seems to be such a happy month. Be happy with me!


This month, let's talk about our stomachs. I know that everyone wants washboard abs, a beautiful six pack. We are bombarded with images of ultra fit celebrities showing off those tight, firm stomachs. The reality of the situation is that genetics plays a huge role in the making of those abs.

We all do need to ensure our core muscles are strong though. Our core supports our breathing, our spines, and, well, everything.

I have never met anyone that has ever told me that they LOVE getting on the floor and doing crunches, so here is a link to 4 amazing standing core moves! Make sure you brace your abdominal muscles before starting by consciously activating all of the muscles in your core like you expect someone to slug you in the gut.


Leeks are in season this month. I love leeks, they are related to onions. They look like giant overgrown green onions. They are also full of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and a serving of leeks has 52% of your daily recommendation for vitamin K.

Also true of the month of March? It's a bit chilly, or downright cold, out still.

Combine leeks and cold, and you have the perfect excuse to make yourself a nice big bowl of potato leek soup.

Make a big pot of soul nourishing soup. Settle in and enjoy the happiness of March.

Mind & Body

Mindfulness is really just the practice of being in the moment. Don't worry about the past, or the future. Just experience what you are doing.

I know it's difficult, but if you try and make sure that you are fully present when you are doing each and everything. You feel more fulfilled.

I'm not saying to NEVER think about the future. What I'm trying express is not to worry about future. When completing tasks, try and find joy in them, even if they aren't enjoyable tasks. Try and fully embrace a positive mindset in all you do and all your interactions.

Next time I check in with you it will almost be St. Patrick's Day! Have a great 2 weeks. Find your happiness and your joy!

Love and Joy to you all,


#potatoleeksoup #fitness #mindfulness
