
Apr 1, 20204 min

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Welcome to April 2020 everyone. What a time to be alive! The way governments, businesses, health care facilities, and people handle this global pandemic will have repercussions for years, maybe even decades. At this point, I think like 70% of the planet is on some sort of lockdown/quarantine. I live in central Florida and EVERY county around mine has some sort of shelter in place, or curfew, order in effect. Not mine though. Apparently, we are immune to this. Just kidding, we're not.

Hubby and I have been self-isolating since March 16, 2020. I wish that everyone else had been. Then, maybe, the world would almost be able to start coming back to "normal".

Also, let me just say that this allergy season is dreadful! Higher than normal pollen counts, the temperatures are similar to those that we have in late July and August, absolutely no rain in sight. It's brutal here.

I refuse to let all of this get me down. However, yeah, I'm having bad mental health days, just like the rest of the world.


In trying and stressful times, it is super important that you remain active. We aren't going to be asked to isolate forever. Work is going to resume. Our bodies need to remain strong and healthy. I've mentioned the studies before, physical activity helps boost immune responses.

According to most health guidelines, you can continue to exercise outdoors as long as you stay at least 6 feet away from other people and shower as soon as you come home. As I mentioned, its ridiculously hot here in Central Florida, so hubby and I have been trying to get in an after midnight walk regularly.

Another great thing is that the super awesome company Peloton has released a free 90 day trial of their app, no credit card required. I have used it every single day since downloading it. You can use it on your smart devices and almost all streaming devices. You don't have to have any equipment. If you do have a treadmill, or a bike, you can use their streaming classes. You don't have to use their equipment. They have audio only options for outdoor fitness, they have bootcamp, cardio, body weight, etc. The instructors have all been amazing!!! I've been trying to pick a different instructor each workout just to see. Honestly, I'll probably convert to the paid subscription once my trial is up. I need someone to help motivate me just as much as everyone else does.


Alright my loves, my lights, let's get real up in here. For reasons beyond my comprehension the grocery stores are struggling to keep up with the demand. Another truth bomb, SO MANY PEOPLE ARE BORED EATING!!!! Let's be clear my friends, you do not need to eat 1,000 times a day just because you're on quarantine. That's not how this works. I know, you're sooooo hungry. That's most likely because you are bored out of your mind. It happens. Maybe start keeping a food journal. This will help you actually see how much you're eating.

Anywho, back to food. I know that you're not supposed to be going into the store more than necessary, I know that you're probably hurting a little for money. I know all of this, and trust me, I sympathize with all my heart. I'm not sure about you, but here, the produce department is fully stocked here, which is awesome for your body and your pocketbook. Stock up on veggies. I buy pretty much everything in the produce department. I love to eat roasted and sauteed veggies. I know that meat is also very hard to find right now, being a vegetarian, I have discovered that hardcore carnivores are still not buying super yummy protein sources like tempeh and the non meat options in the freezer section. Tempeh is a fermented soy bean patty. They are slightly bitter, super nutty, and full of fantastic probiotics. This is our main go to for non meat protein. We also like super firm tofu marinated and pan fried.

Now, head on over to the ethnic aisle, you can probably still pick up some rice noodles and stir fry sauces. To be honest, most stir fry sauces are full of sugar and calories, but they are so yummy!!! If you can find some brown rice grab some.

You can now take your veggies, your protein substitute, your starch and your sauce and make a yummy stay at home relatively healthy dish. The more variety in veggies, meat substitutes, sauces, and starches you get, the more variety you get!

If you can get some dried beans, some rice, and packet taco seasoning (which is high in salt, I make my own, but this is just one blog post) you can toss that with some veggies and meat substitute and have a yummy hispanic style dish as well.

Both of these suggestions are relatively inexpensive, keep well, and are super duper easy!

Mind Body Connection

Just like everyone else, I am suffering from bad mental health days. We're going through something traumatic. It's hard to accept that everything is changing. Our society has become so super duper used to being on the go, on going out, on socializing. All of that has been taken way from us, against our will, with almost no notice. It's a terrible feeling.

Try and remember that this is temporary. This will end, eventually. Yes, things are going to change forever, other things will get back to normal. The unknown is terrifying. I understand.

Mental health professionals have said one of the best way to deal with this long, seemingly unending, no deadline ordeal is to set up schedules and follow them. I have printed out paper copies of the months. I am trying to stick to a schedule of some sort.

Sit and meditate, accept that we are, as a planet, grieving right now. It is perfectly healthy to have feelings. It is perfectly healthy to be afraid and to feel alone.

Luckily, unlike in 1918, we have this marvelous invention called the internet to help us feel less alone. Reach out to friends on the phone, through social media, in video games, in whatever way makes you feel more "normal".

Alright my loves. I am here for you. This shall pass. Let me know in the comments how you're coping.

I love you all, together we will get through this,


#stirfry #nutrition #mentalheath #quarantine #fitness #grocerystoremadness
