
Jun 9, 20212 min

Negativity Is Helpful Sometimes

Let's talk negative thoughts. I'm not talking negative self talk, that's not cool. I'm talking negative thoughts. Thoughts that aren't all happy sunshine and puppies and stuff.


Can we acknowledge that they are a part of life? #Toxicpositivity is a thing my friends. The concept that all of your thoughts have to be happy and positive at all times is complete and total cr@p! You're going to have negative thoughts. You are. You are not some sort of robot programmed for happiness. Heck, without negative thoughts are their positive thoughts? Without happy, there is no sad. Without light, there is not dark. Without day, there is no night.


So. What to do about negative thought...not banish them to some far away realm never to be acknowledged again. That's poppycock. Instead, sit with them. Understand them. Why are you having these thoughts? Why are they popping up? What inner truth can you gleam from them? Maybe they are your minds way of telling you that you've been #doomscrolling waaaayyyy too much lately. It happens. Trust, I know.


I'm not advocating a doom spiral. I'm saying look at the individual negative thought and try and identify the source of its power. Then once you've identified it's power, you can just dump it into the fires of Mount Doom.


I am forever an advocate of gratitude practice. But acknowledge that negativity is real, it's there. I sit with mine and try and understand it. And sometimes rant on my personal page at 2:45 in the morning when I can't get the demons out. But, I digress.


Try and understand all aspects of your self (yes your self, not yourself). You aren't you without your light and your dark.

I love you all,



#fitlifehealthylife #gettoknowyourself #embraceallofyourself
