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  • Writer's pictureKris

Happy Spring!

Happy April 1st! Can we acknowledge some amazing news right now? It's officially Spring! Goodbye, Winter. Here come the longer, warmer days. Days filled with light and health and strength and growth! I don't know if you can tell, but I am so excited!


Now that the weather is getting better out, why don't we go ahead and focus on going outside?

That's one of the best things about the weather getting nicer. During the winter, being outside is difficult and a lot of work, during summer, it's actually dangerous to be outside sometimes. That's why spring and fall are excellent times for outdoor exercises. 

Research has shown that taking your exercise outdoors actually improves both your overall mental health, and your physical health. You are more likely to be far more physically active outside than you are inside, without any added perceived effort! That's so awesome. That means that literally just getting outside will motivate you to be more fit. 

If you have allergies, make sure you take your allergy meds, then slather on the sunscreen, because cancer is no fun, and head outside and do...something. Gardening, walking, jumping jack, anything. Breath the fresh air in and feel more in touch with yourself and the earth.


Mmmm, fresh fruits and vegetables. Once spring hits, we in our household stop meal planning our lunches. We still plan breakfast and dinner, but for the rest of the day, we just buy a ton of whatever fruit and vegetables are in season. We then wash it, cut it, and stow it in the fridge. This is a great way to ensure that we are eating plenty of fruits and vegetables throughout our day. And it's always exciting to see what's in season.

Mind Body Connection

Outdoor yoga is amazing and rejuvenating. Yoga is great at opening your mind and letting your body feel grounded and strong. 

Take your mat outside and practice some warrior poses. 

My favorite warrior pose it warrior 2 because when you turn your rear palm up you mentally acknowledge that you are looking/reaching for your future while releasing your past. It's a strong stable pose that helps rejuvenate you and ground you at the same time.

Thank you all for your love, strength, and support. I hope that your spring is happy, your life is full, and that wherever you go, you go with goodness in your heart.

Love to you all,


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