
Jan 15, 20202 min

15 Days into 2020

How is everyone doing so far this year? Here in Florida, the weather is pretty great again. I hope that those of you that made resolutions are doing well with them. Remember, small, manageable goals help you succeed.


I know that those of you not in Florida are still dealing with frigid weather and are stuck indoors.

This time of year, warm yourself up from the inside out. A great quick way to warm yourself up from the inside out is a Tabata workout.

These workouts are tough, but quick, making them perfect for your busy schedule.


This time of year is the perfect time to enjoy delicious pomegranates.

Yes, pomegranates are a bit tricky to open and get to, but they are so worth the work. They are super tasty and full of vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber. Studies have shown that they help decrease plaque build up.

Mind and Body

I have noticed that so many people seem to be stuck in negativity loops lately. Optimism has been scientifically proven to help with several health conditions.

The way you look at life is as habitual as grabbing an afternoon cup of coffee. How can you break the negativity loop? One technique is a gratitude journal. This forces you to pay attention to the positive things in your life.

There are several ways to do this. One technique is simply write one positive thing that happened to you every night before bed. Every single night before bed, sit down, and think about one positive thing. Then write about it in your journal. Write what happened, what you felt, why you felt that way, etc.

The more your focus on the positive the more positivity you see. And next thing you know, you'll see good things everywhere!

It's still early in the year! Appreciate everything life has to offer and succeed at all your desires.

I love you all,


#gratitude #fitness #healthy #friends