
Jul 24, 20213 min

Oof, it's been a while

I know I said I was going to write this thing once a week. But honestly, that feels so forced.

I subscribe to a weekly newsletter, and at first I was all about it. Reading it every single week, then I noticed that sometimes, the author really seemed to be writing just to be writing. I don't want to do that. I also don't want to be all over the place all the time.

Honestly, this started out as a bi-weekly newsletter, all focused and organized. It had sections and little blurbs written by me about things that related to the seasons. Then after a year of that, I was like, why rewrite the wheel so to speak. I mean, you can easily go into my archives and be like what does this woman suggest for this week. Boom done. No need for me to stretch for material. No filler. Just done. I could have been lazy and just regurgitated the information every two weeks, but I think people would have caught on that they were the exact same newsletters.

I was doing the whole here's the history of yoga thing. Which, to me is super interesting, probably because I have a minor in ancient history.

I like talking about the poses and what not with you all, but really, a weekly breakdown of each pose. Ummmm, no.

Then there is the fact that I have a chronic illness. Yeah, I could mention it more regularly, but then it comes across as a whiney I want attention thing. Which, btw, is definitely not the case. I really really don't want the attention.

I started having a booth at local farmer's markets to try and build my client base. I combine my Fit Life Healthy Life booth with my Handmade with Love, by Kris booth. That way people can come in to look at the handmade pretties and maybe leave thinking about starting a yoga practice. That has been an interesting experience to say the least. It is H-O-T in Florida right now you all. I look like a hot mess by the time my booth is set up! Seriously, yin is a cooling yoga practice, guided meditation is a cooling practice, I am out there sweating like I just ran a marathon and didn't shower. It is so gross. There isn't enough deodorant in the world to help me! So, if we met at a farmer's market, I am so sorry! That seriously isn't who I usually am!!!

I have been doing my trail hiking on my treadmill lately. I love it. I can keep my body cool and hydrated while hiking steep trails using the BitGym app. I love this app. It keeps track of your actual speed using your devices front facing camera, so that the trails you're doing pass by at the speed in which you are actually moving. I never realized what a difference that would make until I found the app. I have the free version which means a very limited number of trails available, but if your are on your treadmill more, they do have a paid version with A LOT of trail options.

I am still using my yoga silks more as a TRX system than a aerial yoga system and I have no shame in that game. I love strength training. Having only one free weight set up in my home gym is hard though because strangely enough hubby is a lot stronger than I am which means constantly having to reset the weights. With my shoulder and my ribcage still not fully cooperating with me, body weight makes sense anyway, its far easier to adjust when I feel a bone moving with body weight than if I have a barbell loaded over me.

I hope that you have all been trying to enjoy your lives as much as possible in this incredibly hot weather, woot for record breaking heat waves. Please remember to wear your sunscreen and drink your water.

Until I feel motivated to jump behind my keyboard again,

