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  • Kris

Even Fitness Professionals Struggle

Everyone has trouble finding the motivation to complete their workout. Today was that day for me.

I spent the day cleaning and preparing for father-in-law's visit. I also studied my health coach materials and worked on my website. After all of that, I wasn't feel motivated to get off my couch and do my weekly 5k. I really just wanted to turn on The Golden Girls and cuddle under a blanket with my fur baby. Who wouldn't want to cuddle with this guy?

All it takes is one missed workout to lead to a full blown backslide, so I wasn't going to let that happen. I forced myself to put on my workout gear. I switched my phone into it's running case, and laced up my shoes. At this point, I still wasn't convinced it was going to happen. I even debated just biking it, like I do 2, or 3, times a week with the hubby.

There was serious mental bargaining happening. Finally, I decided that I would head out on foot. I told myself that I didn't have to finish it, I just had to try and do something. At the 2.5 k mark, I was still struggling to convince myself that I could do it. So, I deliberately took the longer path back, by the time I came to the literal fork in the path, I had less than a kilometer to go, so I made the decision to push on and finish up. Somehow, even with all of the bargaining, I managed to set a personal record (PR in the running world). I may not actually run them, yet, but every week, I push a bit harder and go a bit faster.

When I made it back home, I had to do my yoga practice. I have learned the hard way that if I skip my practice after a long, hard walk/jog, my legs are so sore I can barely function the next day.

Over an hour later, I had accomplished my 5k and completed a 30 minute yoga practice, all after telling myself I didn't have it in me.

The moral of this story? Even if you're lacking your motivation, and just want to curl up into a tiny burrito on the couch, lace up your shoes and make yourself do something, even just a tiny workout. Chances are, you'll complete the entire thing, and so much more.

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